Approved by NCTE
Affiliated to SCERT, Lucknow
Duration : 02 Years
Total Seats : 50
Fee Structure
1. D.El.Ed 1 year : Rs. 41,000/-(PA)
2. D.El.Ed 2 Year : Rs. 41,000/-(PA)
Note: As per Govt. Order.
1st Semester
1. Child Development and Learning Process
2. Principles of Teaching Learning
3. Science
4. Mathematics
5. Social Study
6. Hindi
7. Sanskrit/Urdu
8. Computer Education
9. Art/Music/Physical Education/Health Education
10. Internship
2nd Semester
1. Present Indian Society and Elementary Education
2. New efforts of Elementary Education
3. Science
4. Mathematics
5. Social Study
6. Hindi
7. English
8. Socially Useful Productive Work
9. Art/Music/Physical Education/Health Education
10. Internship
3rd Semester
1. Educational Evaluation, Action Research and Innovation
2. Inclusive Education
3. Science
4. Mathematics
5. Social Study
6. Hindi
7. Sanskrit/Urdu
8. Computer Education
9. Art/Music/Physical Education/Health Education
10. Internship
4th Semester
1. Development of Mathematical Efficiency and Reading - Writing of Language at Elementary Level
2. Educational Management and Administration
3. Science
4. Mathematics
5. Social Study
6. Hindi
7. English
8. Peace Education and Sustainable Development
9. Art/Music/Physical Education/Health Education
10. Internship